Twas the night before Nathaniel came,
When at the Obert house
Not a twin was stirring, not even their mouth.
The food was cooking in the oven with care,
In hopes that Chicago style pizza soon would be there.
Nathaniel was nestled all snug in the womb,
While I played with the girls on the floor of the living room.
When out of the amniotic sac there was a little clatter,
I sprang from the floor to check on the splatter.
Away to the restroom I flew like a flash,
Unsure of what was going on….but felt no big gush.
I told the Oberts, “To home I must go,
my water may have broken, but I really don’t know”.
Dan said “Now Sybil, wait a minute or two”,
and Nicci knew exactly what to do.
We called the nurse who said come right away.
So Nicci drove me to St. John’s at Nassau Bay.
Then we called Dad who had just taken a test,
he was in disbelief – who would have guessed?
Aunt Virginia met us at the hospital and took us up to the room.
The nurse confirmed we came not a moment to soon.
Contractions were coming 3 and 4 minutes apart. But I couldn’t feel when they’d stop or they’d start!
As the night went on, they grew more intense.
And I thought to myself, why this is nonsense….
give me drugs, make it quick, I want no more pain.
The epidural is what helped keep me sane.
My parents arrived with a few hours to spare.
I was so relieved they were finally there.
An hour and a minute I pushed with all my might.
And at 11:59, I saw the most precious sight.
His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His head was full of dark, soft hair,
And his lungs, how they worked, when they were filled with air!
The first time we held him the emotions came, A perfect little boy with the Yancy name!