Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rodeo Petting Zoo


Mom played hookie from work today to join Nicci, her sister Casey, and the girls on a fun field trip to the Rodeo Livestock Petting Zoo. Thankfully this was much better than the Houston Zoo experience! There were still goats, but these ones actually moved. There was also a llama that Nathaniel found hilarious. Probably the most exciting for Mom were the kangaroos. Abby and Izzy were able to ride a pony - Nathaniel is still 2 months shy from being able to join in the "big kid" fun, but he did not seem to mind. He had a blast petting the animals and trying to put things is his mouth (yuck!).

Excuse me Mr. Black Sheep, have you any wool?

Making it home without Salmonella.....priceless!

Other exciting news (in our world) is that Nathaniel's right top tooth broke through the gum line. When/if we are able to capture it on film, I will post a picture of that. Once again, he is not sleeping well through the night, so I am hoping that is what was bothering him and we can now return to restful slumber.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

That looks like so much fun! I'm jealous!