Saturday, July 18, 2009

The great rain-out party!

Today we celebrated Avery and Collin's 3rd birthday with an awesome wilderness themed birthday party. Rachel and Mason went all out with the decorations and activities....and then we got some much needed rain. Only at the twin's party would this increase the activity level of all kiddos involved.

They ran around like maniacs and had a great time before singing songs by the campfire, having a picnic, catching baby frogs, making pine cone bird feeders, and making s'mores. At first Nathaniel was a bit hesitant to play in the rain but, after some puddle jumping lessons, he quickly adapted and was soon running around losing his clothing. He ended up in only a very soggy diaper. It was that much fun.

Here are a couple more pics from the past week of Mr. Nate-O the Great-o!

Some Mom's get flowers, I get dead grass...and yet, it still melts my heart!

At the park, Nate would rather eat rocks than play on the fun equipment, literally.

Daisy and Nathaniel

We are not too sure about his desire to open mouth kiss the dogs. He learned this from Bailey, his Gram Aunt's German Shepard

We love our little goof-ball!


GramAunt Peggy said...

Syb--I'm so sorry about Bailey's kissing him that taught him to kiss with his tongue out! At the same time, I've been so pleased that she never frightened him, even when he was 3 mos old! Personally, I don't care for Bailey kisses either, and I'll try to slow them down. The problem is Nate loves them. I'm hoping to move them from kisses to ball throwing and bringing back. Wish me luck!

Unknown said...

"Goofball" genes abound!!! It's a good thing!