Monday, September 7, 2009

We met Dawson

And here he is!

Isn't he sweet?

Nathaniel took his third flight this weekend so we could go meet Dawson Reid Caswell, the newest member of the family. We were blessed with a fairly empty flight, which meant we got a row of seats to ourselves. Nathaniel was pretty entertained for about 10 minutes and then he decided enough was enough; and cried/screamed/threw things for the remaining hour.
Needless to say, it was not much fun for Mommy (Daddy had to stay home and work; he was greatly missed!). But once we got to Midland we had a blast. We finally got to meet and love on baby Dawson. Nate was very sweet, wanting to kiss him when Mommy held him.

Nathaniel and Craig found each other to be quite hilarious and would just take turns screaming and laughing at one another. They interacted so much more than they have previously; they had us all cracking up.

They are also quite intellectual, as you can see by the upside down book.
They must get that from their Uncle Robert, who has recently decided to go back to school for his Master's.

Cora (and her family) drove over from New Mexico to visit. Nathaniel really loved her pink cowgirl hat! It was great to see the Smith/McCasland gang.

The next day, we had a lot of fun outside. Logan filled a wagon up with water and took Nater around the yard, which ended up as an all out water extravaganza for the kids.

The next day we took the crew to a little duck pond. You cannot imagine how much fun it is for a 16 month old to throw crackers at ducks. He thoroughly enjoyed himself (can't say the same for the ducks though).

It was a great weekend, Nate was able to spend time with all his cousins

Logan & Isabella

Craig & Dawson

But what did he find most excting?

Gigi's dog, Kaci and Auntie Barbara's dogs.
The flight home was much better than the flight up and Nathaniel slept most of the way. He squealed with delight to see Daddy at the airport. We are looking forward to going back in a few weeks.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

All the kiddos are so cute. Hopefully next time Nate won't be so sleepy when we come visit! C: