Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Week in Midland

See no evil....

Hear no evil....

Speak no evil.

I know I was a horrible poster in Sept, I have several excuses, but the main reason is I cannot find my cable to download pictures. Luckily to night I found a secret (actually, quite obvious) picture bridge on our printer so get ready for picture overload!

The third week of Sept Nathaniel and I spent in Midland. The thought behind the visit was to help Barbara adjust to her new role as mother of two, as Anson had to go back to work.

In all actuality, I was more of a referee between Craig and Nathaniel. The boys have developed a rather entertaining love-hate relationship that hangs on a delicate pendulum, constantly swinging back and forth throughout their time together. One second they would be chasing each other around the house, howling with laughter and the next they were fighting over toys, bursting in tears. I think Craig continues to be the bully and Nathaniel is the nark.

The first day we were there, I was able to set up a swing set for the boys. They loved it! In fact, it was hard to get them to come inside at all. Which was fine the first 2 days; then a cold front blew in. This is the first time Nathaniel has had to wear jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Yet, they continued to be outside the majority of the time. These cousins are already getting into trouble (they once went into the bathroom together and flashes of my time spent with a cousin of the same age came rushing back - we mixed up every thing we could find in my grandmother's bathroom, it is a wonder I was even able to have kids after that chemical combination).

I made a side trip to Lubbock to give a few lectures at Texas Tech which proved to be a lot of fun, while Gigi spent some quality time with Naterbug. Apparently he is more fussy when mom is around. What does that say about my parenting skills???

Then Barb's kids got sick and Nathaniel broke his doctor avoidance record and we took him in to get some antibiotics as well. So Thursday was not much fun, but you would never know it with these goofballs we call family!

Then sadly, Friday came. After another quick trip to the duck pond, which is an all-time favorite activity when we are in Midland,

it was time to go. It honestly felt like this week was over in 2 days. We were probably more stressful to Barbara than we were helpful, but it was a lot of fun. She is adjusting very nicely to having two boys. Craig is adjusting pretty to his new role as big brother. Why does time always seem to go so fast when spent with family? I very much wish we lived closer and could get the boys together more often.

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