Saturday, November 7, 2009

Change of Plans

Last weekend we had hopes of visiting Dewberry Farm with Nate's cousins, Ryan and Emma BUT.....Ryan was not feeling well and since we were already out that way we decided to stop at the Forbidden Gardens, Nathaniel was not interested in much other than pushing his stroller around. The threw a fit when we took it away and put him in it to leave- this kid LOVES push toys.

Then we stopped at Grandpa and Grandma Yancys hoping to see them, but they were out. Nate had a lot of fun playing with Daddy in their front yard.

After awhile we decided to go visit his cousins anyway....well as we pulled on to their street, Nathaniel threw up. So Lee and Olivia were nice enough to let us use their washer and dryer to wash Nate's car seat cover and clothes - and we ended up having a fun visit anyway. The girls had scooters, which also doubled as awesome push toys for Nate!

So, all-in-all, it ended up being a fun evening, despite the initial wild goose chase!

1 comment:

Helen said...

Sorry we missed that visit. Thanks for the pics.