Thursday, August 5, 2010

1st Doctor's Appointment

I love the hilarious things in life. When the mundane turns comical.....Marissa's first doctors appointment was one of those times.

It began in the usual way with the proud parents taking their little treasure on her first outing.

Her weight dropped a little, but was doing great - nothing abnormal here. She is now 19 and 1/4 inches long.

And we waited for the doctor to show up. Our regular pediatrician is out of town so we saw a business partner (who by the way is a very attractive man....I may have to change pediatricians soon!!!).

As we waited, Daddy changed her diaper not one, not two, but three times. Every time he wiped it was like he activated the system. By diaper #1 the dreamy doctor arrived and witnessed the internal pluming working well. He checked her out and said she was fine, then swaddled her up and handed her back to Daddy since Mommy was doing paperwork and stated she was full again. Daddy then changed diaper #4, which was a little fuller...and she spilled over on her outfit (yes, by this time I am cracking up and Ted is frusturated). So I begin changing her outfit only to have her then spill over onto the paper covering the table. We get her changed in to her second outfit and 5th diaper, leaving a trail of dark green down the table (actually we were kind enough to rip off the paper and throw it away) ....and we head for the hills....I am still laughing, Ted is still not!

And thus her new nickname, Princess Poops-a-lot. She will hate us for that when she is older!

1 comment:

Helen said...

@gWhat a happy baby. Looks like Sybil to me with those cute dimples and big smile. Naterbug looks so big next to her. Precious pictures.