Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pee-Pee in the Potty

The dreaded childhood right of passage- potty training - is upon us.

I am not going into this war lightly.  I am fully equipped with massive arsenal including: multiple sets of big boy pants in all his favorite characters, snacks and drinks galore, "Potty Power" -a training video, and the beloved plastic throne.  I have intensely studied battle plans, strategies, and techniques.  This stuff ain't for sissies! I am personally terrified, but refuse to show outward signs of weakness to my 28 month old child!  We delayed it due to the arrival of his baby sister, but it is time....wish us luck!

This week we have encouraged him to use the potty in the evenings and rewarded successful attempts with Mickey Mouse stickers.  We also introduced him to undies.  I am not ashamed to have recruited Mickey Mouse, Buzz Lightyear, and Lightening McQueen for the front line positions! 

Friday night Nate was very excited about the Cars underwear, when we introduced him to them.  I thought I had already won my first battle, until he grabbed them, immediately put them on his head, and began dancing around the house!

After getting them off his head and on his bum, we did have some success!
He has the skills, we just need the consistency!
Here he's doing the celebratory pee-pee in the potty victory dance -in his BIG BOY pants!

So today we have gone straight to undies, we are providing reminders every 30 minutes, and we have increased the reward to M&Ms or Nemo Fruit Snacks.  We have had one accident- but no reminder was given (hey, I am in training too!).  I think things have been pretty successful so far.  The day is only half over, we will keep you posted....


Anonymous said...

Little boy with his underwear already down begging for 2 guys to sandwich him and gangbang him hard

Y Tú Pilin said...

Y Tu Pilin