Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Choo-Choo

I don't really know how trains and Christmas became synonymous, but they certainly seem to be.  I mean, baby Jesus was not born at a railroad station and you never see Santa boarding Rudolph the red-nosed steam engine, but they do seem to go together.  I suppose it has something to do with delivering all the goodies to little boys and girls but in this day and age we should probably have a Christmas jet, a Christmas computer, or a Christmas UPS truck.  Regardless this is part of the magic of the season, and we love it!  I am thankful that a nearby church does an annual train ride through lights and they share the Christmas story in a variety of ways.  

In a house where Thomas the Train is a part of our daily lives, you can only imagine the excitement that the Christmas train brought to one little boy this year! 

Eagerly waiting his turn to board the train

Here were my happy kiddos on the ride: 
He was excited to be on a "real" train

I love that when she fully "cheeses" she turns into a little white Chinese girl!
She must have said "choo-choo" for 10 minutes straight as she was riding along.

Then we had the chance to get up close and personal!

 They even got to sit in the driver's seat, meet Nate the conductor...
 ...and his faithful sidekick.

After the journey, we listened as Mrs. Claus read the Christmas story. 
I think I forgot how magical Christmas could be until I had kids...and it just keeps getting better! 

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