Saturday, June 25, 2011

Give me a push....

Today was a Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Toddler Style, kind of day for us.  After watching Cars 2, we had lunch followed by a quick nap, then off to a birthday party (including a bounce house, pull apart pinata, and lots of sugar), then we ended the day with a trip to the park. 

While the kids played with each other, I played a little with my new camera (I have a LOT to learn about DSLRs).  So here are a few pics of the swings. 

What I also failed to mention is that we hosted a party at our house last night with a bunch of my coworkers. I am beat!  And instead of sleeping, I am blogging.  Oh well...'Rissa will be up in a few hours anyway....good thing she is so cute! 

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