Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One funny kid

I may be biased, but I think Nathaniel is a riot!

Our typical Saturday mornings start out with being lazy.  You know lounging around in our jammies, playing cars or blocks...until...what may be considered the climax of the day....the trash truck comes by the house.  Usually around 9:00 am we hear a loud truck and some beeping and we run to the door.  It does not matter what state we are in - dressed, half dressed, in jammies or just in undies, we must (and I mean MUST) wave to the trash truck and the guys on it.  We watch them come down the road, make the turn in the cul-de-sac and rumble off into the distance cleaning up the world around us.  Nate adores them.  He is estatic when they see him and wave back (and lucky for him, they usually do)!  This, my friends, is Heaven for a 3 year old.  So much in fact, that last week he told me that the trash guys "must make Jesus happy".  So, we salute you trash guys (I am sure that is not the politically correct term), you make this little boy and Jesus very happy!

Last weekend as I was working on the blog, I turn around to see Nathaniel cramming himself into his sister's pants.  Should I be worried????  Naaah, I just laugh and grab my camera. 

He is a hoot!  Last night we grilled hamburgers out on our patio and of course, had a picnic....Nathaniel proclaimed it to be the "best picnic ever".  Then he grabbed his burger and said "Hold on to your meatballs, this is gonna be good."

I don't know where he comes up with this stuff, I am just thankful that I get to be around to laugh with him!

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