Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Relationship with OBs

I have found that pregnant women tend to develop a strange relationship with their OB....I did with mine anyway, when I had Nathaniel. I dearly loved her. I felt like we were friends and she was someone I seriously considered inviting to Nathaniel's little milestone moments (baby dedication, birthday party, etc). She was around my age and had 2 kiddos of her own. She was funny, considerate, compassionate, and just someone I wanted to be friends with (aside from the fact that she has seen parts of me that even my closest friends and family have not!). By the end of the pregnancy, I saw her weekly and truly enjoyed chatting with her. Then I had Nathaniel and it was almost like a painful break up. You know the kind, where they don't return your phone calls and you have no idea what you did wrong. Our relationship turned to the previous yearly get together.....and I kinda missed her.

Baby #2 enters the picture (or womb anyway) and I am excited to share this journey with my OB as well. She is fantastic. Through all the scares, she has a calm, peaceful misdemeanor that just makes me believe everything is going to be OK. During my last visit...she broke my heart....and told me she was moving. What?!?!? You can't do that, I am pregnant. Her husband is in the military and got an extended assignment closer to his side of the family. Of course I completely understand, but I think there were actually tears in my eyes. I do wish her all the best.

Today I had my first appointment with one of her office partners. Actually, it was the doctor that delivered Nathaniel. So, although I know she is good during crunch time, I have to admit I missed Dr. D today.

Good news is Cookie is growing fine. Heartbeat was 154 today. I have still not gained weight (which is surprising since my belly is inflating at a rapid pace, I look about like I did when I was 6 months pregnant with Nathaniel), but I suspect that will change soon since I am not throwing up daily anymore. In fact, it has been over a week now - praise God! I am still pretty tired and nauseous, but I also have had a sinus infection for the past few weeks that is not helping matters. So the journey begins with the new OB....I don't think I will be wanting to invite her to my get togethers, but I think she will be fine.

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