Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week in Review

First of all, I would like to say it is really nice to be a functioning member of society again. I had very few appearances in Dec and Jan due to feeling ill all the time. The second trimester is being much kinder to me than the first! Yay!!!!We had a very busy week.

We added yet another member to our family (Crazy, I know). His name is -well... DOG - for the most part. Nathaniel loves having a dog in the house that he can actually play with. He follows poor dog around, pointing and yelling, dog, dog, dog. It took a few days for dog to warm up to Nathaniel but he covers him with kisses now and Nate loves it (it disgusts me, but whatever....).

The weather has been nothing short of bipolar around here lately. Rainy and cold one minute, bright and sunny the next. It is wrecking havoc on my sinuses. We were able to have some fun outside time in those manic moments that Mother Nature offered us. We have missed the sunshine!

And the continued favorite inside activity is watching the slide show of Ryan and Emma (his cousins)

Monday night we met up with Ted's parents, his step-brother and his family to celebrate that Uncle Lee was awarded teacher of the year! We are so proud of him.

Tuesday and Wednesday nights Daddy got to hang out with his best friend, John who was in town for the week (Nathaniel was very excited to show John our new dog).

Thursday we went to visit Granny. Nathaniel LOVES pushing her around in her wheelchair, and all the residents and staff get a pretty big kick out of it as well.

1 comment:

Olivia Rice said...

Ummm, that might be the best picture of me taken in years. Thanks!! :-)