Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tubes At Last

SURGERY CO-PAY.......$815

Let's hope that is the end result anyway :)

We took Nater-Bug in for ear tube placement this morning at 5:30. Which in and of itself is not fun, but he was not allowed to eat or drink after midnight, so it was worth it to go in early. Since he was the youngest child, he was able to be first. The procedure took about as long as it took me to half-heartedly flip through a magazine. I could not believe how quick it was. Prior to surgery the anastesiologist told us that about half of the kids come out from gas (thankfully that was all he had to have for this procedure) like nothing happened at all and the other half come out acting as if they had been abused....guess which one Nathaniel was. Yes, the fussy one. It has been a few hours since tube placement and his mood is getting better in spurts - we have intermittent laughing follwed by crying. My mom is currently walking around with the fuss-pot right now. I am so thankful she was able to come down.

All in all he has had 15 doctor visits, 10 Rocephin shots, and 9 different types of antibiotics. Here is to hoping that this is the end of this chapter in his life story. I will be sure to keep you all posted.

1 comment:

Blake said...

I hope that is all it will take for him to be better. It sucks when they are hurting and you can't do anything for them.