Thursday, February 26, 2009

Clogged Tubes

I love it when my boys are happy!

Which was NOT the case last night. We went to life group and Nathaniel began throwing quite the fit....I put him down, thinking he was tired and would go to sleep but he would not calm down. I ended up taking him home and he cried for 2 hours non-stop....if you want the details I will be happy to share all my complaints with you, but I am tired so the short version is....we ended up at Urgent Care and he has another ear infection. We had to go on a hunt for a 24 hour pharmacy and did not get home until around 11:30. I kind of thought the doctor was crazy until some really nasty junk began oozing out today. So gross. Apparently his magic tubes were plugged and when they unclogged they really unclogged. He was still a bit fussy tonight, but nothing like last night. Poor kid. Some day this will get better. Right?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where is Pointer?

Here I am!

In the past few days, Nathaniel has discovered his amazing ability to point. And he is so very happy with this newly aquired skill.....just thought we would point it out for you (hardy, har, har).

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Open... close... open... close... repeat!
Doors, cabinets, books, magazines.....Life is entertaining, with these simple things.

This is what Nathaniel is into these days. Opening and closing whatever he can. And just yesterday I think he figured out the whole magic of the lightswitch. The adventure never ends!

Luckily he has responded really well to the antibiotics and ointment for the MRSA and his nose looks 1,000 times better now. You can hardly tell it was there.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Ear infections are finally under control, but now our little Nater-Bug has caught the superbug, MRSA (methicillin resistant staphyloccocus aureus), an antibiotic-resistant strain of the common staph bacteria. I cannot even begin to tell you how heartbroken we are over this. He is 9 and 1/2 months old and will be fighting this for the rest of his life. Any time he gets cut, there is a huge possibility that it may turn into a raging infection. This is contagious, so we will be taking extra measures to have you wash your hands any time you are around him if he has an active case. We are currently all being treated for this and will be MIA from society until his current wounds are controlled. This can lay dormant and hopefully will as soon as he finishes his current rounds of antibiotics.

I had no idea how crazy strong "parent guilt" can be. Ted and I have been playing the what if game all night.....what if we would have caught his ear infections earlier and Nathaniel did not have to be on so many antibiotics? What if we did not work in the healthcare field? What if Nater never gets to play sports? What if I cannot take him to daycare anymore? What if we washed our hands more? What if......? What if......? What if.....?
I know we have to stop that game but your mind just runs wild. I don't want him to be a bubble boy and I don't want to be the psycho, over-protective, lunatic mom that is terrified to let my kid do anything. What is done is done and we cannot change it. I am reminding myself that this is far from the worst thing that can happen to him and we are still so fortunate and blessed....yet is does not seem to stop my heart from hurting for him. You just want the absolute best for your kid...and I feel like we have let him down already. I do know the dust will settle on this and we will become more informed and better equipped to handle this....and, no, I do not really think he will not become the next bubble boy!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Slowly but surely, Mr. Bug is becoming ambulatory. As you can see it still leaves a lot to be desired, but I know my days are numbered.

He loved being outside on this little walker (although the video does not portray it), until he took his first tumble and ended up scraping his knee. He then decided it was not all that and began "crawling" on his hands and feet (with his knees straight). Had I not been cracking up with a neighbor, I would have taken some video of that as well. His first encounter with the cruel "no pain, no gain" lesson of life.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

9 Month Checkup

He's just a-growin' like a weed. He is 20 pounds and 27 inches now, placing him in the 50% and 25% for his age. He is going to be stocky! However, the doctor noted his head is in the 75%! I refer to it as Big Noggin Syndrome (BNS). I did not ask what all this may entail, but she does want to see him back in a month to keep an eye on BNS. I just assume he has a massive brain, since he is, of course, a child genius. He is meeting and/or exceeding milestones appropriately, so I am not too worried. We will keep you posted.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sippy Cup, etc.

Tonight Nathaniel began holding his own sippy cup. He has enjoyed drinking out of it for awhile now but could not figure out that he had to tip it up in order to obtain the desired liquid. As you can see, it is still a work in progress :0)

We had a fun, busy weekend. He was invited to his first friend birthday party. I am not sure who had more fun - Ted or Nathaniel. Happy Birthday Landon, thanks for sharing your slide with us! Then we went to a wedding, where Nathaniel rivaled the bride for the center of attention and he ended his evening at his "GramAunts" while mom and dad went to a dinner party. Then on Sunday our son got to experience his first Superbowl! Nicci and Dan invited us to a kid-friendly party at some of their friends house. It is amazing how little I watched this year. Kids really do change your life. I cannot even tell you about one funny commercial, but I can of course, tell you the funny things my son did. It was a great weekend and we were able to spend time with a lot of friends. Now, I am ready for a nap!