Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I took Nathaniel to two appts today. The first because he has been sick, cranky, and not sleeping at night. Our primary pediatrician is still out on maternity leave so we saw one of her colleagues. This Doctor did not seem to think that Nathaniel has an ear infection (that is a first) but did have some fluid behind his left ear. She is concerned; however, about childhood asthma. He will be on antibiotics for the next ten days, just in case of an infection. That should get us to the surgery. AND he will be starting Zyrtec again in the mornings and Benadryl at night. Poor baby. We will be keeping close watch for asthma related symptoms :(

Then at 2:30 we went to the audiologist for a hearing screening, which is standard practice before tube placement and Nathaniel did not do well on it this time. He has bilateral hearing loss.....and again, I don't think I am getting any parent of the year awards since I had no idea. Of course, it may have just been a bad day. He has not slept well the last 3 nights and took a very short nap today, so he may not have had the energy to look in the right direction. The audiologist asked if I had him in speech yet. WHAT?

I am pretty sure he is on target with vocabulary and does not seem to have hearing impairments around the home. He is putting 2-3 words together regularly now. Bye-Bye (fill in the blank, car, pee-pee, diaper, Mommy, Dada, etc) and seems to be picking up that certain things belong to either myself or Daddy. He will point to the car and say "Mama's car" or pick up my sunglasses and say "Mama's glasses".

This is a really fun stage of development. He is getting much better with please and thank you, although still often requires prompting. And he LOVES Nemo and Elmo. He even sleeps with a Nemo stuffed animal and blanket. He also loves our dog, Chico (things that end in O are his favorites, apparently). The other night he woke up crying and called for Chico before Mama or Dada. Crazy kid.

Anyway, they are hoping that getting tubes in will help with the hearing and they said his vocabulary will probably explode after there is no telling what will be coming out of his mouth. God, guard my words!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tubes and such

I took Nathaniel to the ENT yesterday and the verdict is.....round 2 of tubes! This time they will be taking his adenoids out as well. I am praying this will be the answer and he can be completely healthy by the time Cookie gets here. He was up from about midnight to 4 last night and I had visions of him waking up the baby and I am really not sure I am strong enough to do this with 2 kids! Surgery is scheduled for Feb 5th. Poor kiddo.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Yesterday we had quite a scare, I began bleeding. This happened at 6 weeks which is not so uncommon, but it should not be happening in the 2nd trimester. In my opinion, it should not happen at causes way too much stress. But thankfully I had an appointment today and everything appears to be fine. Cookie's heartbeat was 166 and is measuring at 13 weeks and 1 day. I have lost some weight, which is not all that surprising since I struggled to keep anything down until about 2 weeks ago. Lately I have only been throwing up a few times a week. Still nauseous and gagging quite a bit but it is MUCH better than it was. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Welcome 2nd trimester! Glad you are here finally. Now, let's stop the unnecessary drama, my nerves can't take it!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Catching Up!

Ok, Ok. I do realize I am way behind in blogging and for that I apologize. It is funny, I am not even sure people read this - until I stopped. I got about 5 people complaining about the lack of blog posts recently.

We have been very busy and I will try to get caught up on pictures soon.

We had a wonderful Christmas celebration with my family in Rockwall. However we spent the next day at urgent care; Nate had an ear infection and the croup.

We have had a bid accepted on a new house! It is in "short sale", which I am finding actually translates to "long wait". We have had all the inspections and appraisals, everything is checking out fine so we are hoping to move mid-Feb and should have plenty of room for everyone to visit. So start making those travel plans now! And pray our home sells quickly.

We spent New Years Eve in Jamaica Beach with the McMurrays and some friends from church. I can hardly believe it is 2010. Nate found an unknown love for playing the slot machines! It was fun.

And the big news for our family is that we are expecting baby #2 at the end of July. Today I have decided I am calling this one "cookie" for the time being....because I am tossing my cookies on a daily basis (no fun).

So let me answer the typical questions for you:
Yes, it was planned - again, it happened a little sooner than expected.

Ted really wants a girl, so for his sake, I hope it is a girl; however I have always pictured myself with all boys. So really, we will be happy either way.

Yes, we will find out the sex when we can (I am way too impatient to wait!).

This is a COMPLETELY different pregnancy. With Nathaniel I was so tired the first trimester and had an uncanny sense of smell. I occasionally got nauseous, but only threw up one time (and that was because I took a vitamin on an empty stomach). This one I began throwing up around 6 weeks and have continued the trend, multiple times a day. I am pretty miserable right now. I am hoping the second trimester will bring much needed relief. I have never been so thankful for my husband who is taking on all the housekeeping and parenting roles like a champ.

Right now I am about 11 weeks along.

And that, my dear friends is the main reason I have not been blogging. I can hardly find the energy or non-puke moment to rock my baby to sleep, much less get anything else done. I will get caught up someday!

So keep us in your prayers. Ted starts a new job Monday, we should move in Feb and have baby #2 in July....2010 promises to be a busy year for the Yancy Clan!