Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hopes and Dreams for My Kindergartner

Tonight was "meet the teacher night" for my soon-to-be kindergartner (gulp).  We are excited for him to start this educational journey and all that comes with it.  Although I must admit I did get a little catch in my throat and tear in my eye when I went to shake her hand.  Can he really be ready for this?   Am I really ready for this????  

His assigned teacher has been teaching for 31 years and has the reputation to be loving but stern. Sounds exactly like what he will need.  He also knows another one of the kids that will be in his class from church, so we are pretty excited (and a little nervous for her) that they will be together!

To My Almost Kindergartner....

In a little over a week you officially become a "school-ager".  Knowing I am not like
normal parents, here is my personal wishlist for you for the upcoming year:

I hope you are not picked first for a team, that you feel left out at times, and that other kids occasionally make fun of you- because I want you to learn compassion for others and I want you to know how to bounce back from rejection.

I hope that you don't ace every assignment that you are given and that you struggle to complete tasks - so you will learn endurance and will know the satisfaction of looking back at a completed assignment knowing you worked hard and did your best.

I hope you don't always make the best grades in the class, that you will confidently blurt out incorrect answers, and that you will make careless mistakes so that you will realize that failure is sometimes part of  the learning process and that you must be a good listener and pay attention in order to succeed.

I hope you get caught in the act when doing something wrong, that you will be held accountable, and that you suffer consequences - so that you will learn the importance of an apology, how to take responsibility for your own actions, and you will further develop integrity and character.

I hope you will that you will color outside the lines from time to time, that you will get messy when painting, and that you will let your imagination run wild - so that you will learn to be expressive and know the joy of being creative.

I hope you are not the most popular kid, that you will not follow the crowd, and that you don't worry about what other kids may think of you - so that you will embrace your individuality, develop real (not superficial) friendships and so that you will be able to stand up for what you believe in, even if it goes against what the popular kids think/say/do.

Most of all, I hope you will always know that no matter what your grades are, whether or not you win awards, or participate in activities we will always be proud of you!  You may not be the fastest kid on the playground or the smartest kid in your class, but that will never change our love for you.  You are one amazing kid and every single day we are proud of the boy that you are and the man that you will become.  We love watching you grow up. We love your sensitive side, your silly side, and the side that is all BOY.  We are blessed and honored to be your parents and we are excited that you are ready to begin this educational journey.

Congratulations on becoming a "school-ager".
We love you.
Mommy and Daddy

Friday, August 9, 2013

Sea Center and Clute

We went out with our friends for our Second Annual End of Summer Hurrah. 
In sticking with tradition, we indulged in both education and ice cream!

Our first stop was Sea Center Texas where the kids enjoyed the touch tank, colored, looked at various fish in aquariums and went for a walk in the wetlands.  Bug also purchased his first shark tooth necklace and has been pretty pumped about that.

 Stop #2 was Brazosport Natural Science Museum.  This had a variety of things to look at from aquatic life, to butterfly, arrowhead, and dinosaur exhibits.  They also had a nice play area for the kids who enjoyed the paleontology However the highlight of the trip was a giant chair found in the theater area. 

Then we had picnic in the park followed by some delicious ice cream.  
I just love these adventuresome kids and their Mommies!
Next stop....KINDERGARTEN.  (Yikes)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

High Divers!

Nate has been begging since New Years to go back to Auntie Mandy's (this is mommy's best friend).  Being currently unemployed allows for freedom for a fun trip to the hill country!  So I loaded up the kiddos and we headed up for 3 days.  I enjoyed the time with my bestie, the kids enjoyed her kiddos and we had a special treat to a private part of the lake in New Braunsfels.  The kids just finished their 6th (and final for this summer) swim lesson last Thursday.  It is amazing in 2 weeks they have gone from not knowing how to swim at all to jumping off the high dive!  I was so proud of both of them.


It was a great day that ended with a trip to Gruene for some ice cream!  Yum.
Special thanks to Auntie Mandy and her family for hosting us and truly showing us a great time!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cute cookie maker

Cutest little cook I have ever seen!
She is really enjoying the baking kit her NeeNee got her for her birthday!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Princess Party!!!!!

Well, if you know Marissa, you know she loves all things girly.  Since the Disney cruise she is obsessed with princesses.  So there was really no other option for her third birthday party than to have an over-the-top girly, princess party (I can hardly believe she is related to me).

So we decorated the house with princesses and princess stuff everywhere.  
Stations were set up throughout the house.  
In the Princess Parlor the girls selected dresses, crowns, shoes, wands, necklaces and bracelets.

 Then they went into the Salon where my amazing nieces did hair, makeup, and nails for the girls!

Have no fear, there were activities for the boys as well, they became the royal guards.  They were charge with battling fierce dragons to keep the princesses safe!  By the way, they did a most excellent job - not one princess was harmed during the party!
 Then, of course, there was food.  A princess party must have goodies!

 At the Royal Art Academy, princesses and guards were invited to decorate, crowns, color, or put puzzles together.

 Then came the Royal Desserts.   Our neighbor, Cathy, did another incredible job making princess shoe cupcakes and a special cake for Marissa.  These pictures do not even do it justice.  For my shoe-obsessed daughter, this was a perfect fit (pun intended).  They were so cute and delicious!  (Cathy also made the adorable princess wreath that hung on the front door). 

 Then her royal highness opened more gifts that should be allowed in any kingdom!

 However, the true gifts that made this day so magical were the friends and family who traveled from far away and not so far away lands to celebrate this day with us.  


 So, thank you for attending this royal celebration...with such sweet friends in our life, we are certain to all live happily ever after!