Thursday, January 20, 2011

One of those days...

It was one of those days....

Marissa did not sleep well, I was up late, Nathaniel did not want to get out of bed, he dropped his chocolate milk all over the floor, threw a fit because he wanted to keep his PJs on rather than get dressed, threw a fit because he did not want to brush his teeth, then threw a monster fit because he did want to brush his teeth (after I brushed them for him), ended up with a bloody nose from all the fit throwing, I was late to work, work was busy, came home and Marissa was super fussy, Nathaniel went to the potty while I was changing Marissa and dumped a bottle of bubble bath all over the floor, he then slipped and fell in it.....and I was feeling overwhelmed and a bit sorry for myself.

Meanwhile I got a phone call that some of my friends lost their two year old son to cancer early this morning. 

Stop.  Perspective change.

I am so thankful for my crazy life, the fit throwing, the late nights, the big messes.  These children are gifts from God, despite it all - and I too often take it for granted.

My grief for the Wyatt family is overwhelming today.  Abbott taught us many things during his stay on Earth....and taught me one more lesson tonight.  Thanks Abbott, we will miss you.

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