Monday, March 12, 2012

Ribba is 19 months old

So I am a little behind in posting, I will catch up soon, I promise.  Marissa turned 19 months old a few weeks ago.  She continues to be a ray of sunshine during the day (for the daycare workers who always rave about what a happy girl she is) and is a vicious thunderstorm at night (for her parents who are often worn out!)...but we love her!  We really do. 

She continues to add/copy words to her ever-expanding vocabulary.  She is finally calling her name (Ribba) when she sees pictures of herself.  She loves to go through old photos and identify everyone she knows.  She says "hi" and "no-no" to everything/everyone.  She is able to follow one to two step commands, which is pretty helpful (bring me a diaper, throw this away, hand me the blanket).  She loves helping in any way possible (see above sweeping picture). She is becoming more and more fascinated with her hair, trying to brush it after I put it up...but notice (above) it is long enough to put in a real pony tail now! She really is a delight to us, even in melt-down mode!  We thank God for her (for both our kids) daily!

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