Sunday, June 23, 2013

Well, we hit another milestone in Bug's life.  Tonight he is happily watching Wreck It Ralph as I type this blog entry....only he is not here, he is at his first sleepover!

Oh the childhood memories I have of sleeping at friends houses - prank calls, silly songs, ding-dong-ditch - sheesh, I hope he will be a better kid than I was!

I know I lament about how quickly my kids are growing up and while it does make me sad to know how quickly this time passes, I am also very excited about how he is growing up and all the new adventures that lie ahead.  Each step is exciting.

Tonight we had a cook out with our friends, the Walkers, and as Nate prayed over the food and said he was "blessed to have a such a good friend". I could not agree more.  Then later they were riding around the neighborhood cul-de-sac singing "One Way, Jesus" at the top of their little voices.  I sat back and just soaked it in.  I am so extremely blessed.  I barely got a good-bye before we left him for the evening. One more step of independence for my little man (one giant leap for Mommy).  Thanks, Walkers for helping make some lasting memories!

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