Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Flight, Family. & Fun

August 1, 2008 I took my first flight to head to a family reunion in Waterloo, Indiana.

I turned out to be a great traveler, making my parents sooooo proud.

Four Generations

This was the first time my Great-Grandparents on my mom's side of the family had the chance to meet me.
They think I am pretty sweet (and I thought the same about them).
Here I am with my Great Uncle Kent &Aunt Debbie, cousins Austin (check out our sweet mohawks) and Benten

My gorgeous Aunt Leslie, Uncle Robert and beautiful cousin Isabella (where was Logan???)

My Crazy Cousin Craig is always the clown. Here he is cracking another bad joke and sucking his Daddy's nose.

My daddy took me on my first carousel ride - it was so fun I wet my pants.

Overall it was a great visit. We were able to visit with family we rarely get the chance to see. We enjoyed the cool weather and Grandpa B's homemade ice cream!

1 comment:

Allen and Dawn said...

Soon we'll be back in the USA and you can come see us too. I can't wait.