Monday, June 8, 2009

On a streak

New things daily..... Nathaniel finally cut his 6th tooth. It has been at the surface for months but was a little shy with breaking through. He is now saying Mama, Dada, Dog, Night-Night and a very muddled form of thank you. Granted it is not always consistent or appropriate but he is able to form the words and tends to thrive on the attention when he uses Mama in the car (of course, this typically results in some kind of cheering from Mom).
He continues to be into anything his little hands can get ahold of and has discovered the ability to climb onto things. This is cause for high Nate-Alert when we are visiting Granny, who had emergency surgery yesterday and is in ICU on a vent again.

He enjoys reading time - especially in his new wild-n-crazy rocker. I am not sure if this chair is a curse or a blessing. He loves it; he enjoys rocking in it, reading in it, AND moving it around the house to use as a step stool to reach higher and higher....

Recently, he has discovered the joy of nudity. He fights us putting on PJs after bath time; he is now able to take his diaper off (YIKES!!!) and enjoys an occasional streak through the house. Oh the joys of little boys!

I love it!


Bridget said...

Haha! Naked Baby! I love that face he's making!

amy wright said...

That naked picture is hilarious!!!