Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Mom is not too into Halloween this year. What does this teach our kids? Let's get creeped out and then eat more sugar than our bodies can handle? Who came up with this? Don't get me wrong, I loved it as a kid. I love making Halloween goodies with my clients, I am just not into it for whatever reason this year. I have not even got Nathaniel an outfit yet. I suppose I will by the time it rolls around. Who knows? I do, however, love Thanksgiving; which is also all about stuffing ourselves silly and we get to hang out with some creepy family members - so is it really that different (ha, ha - I love my family, you know I am kidding)?

But to not be a party pooper, we did take Nate out to the pumpkin patch. He was not all that impressed. He did play a few pumpkins like drums and had his eye on an "older girl" who was looking for the perfect pumpkin for her house. I guess I will be more into this when he is old enough to be more into it. But for now, enjoy a few pumpkin patch pics....

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