Monday, October 19, 2009

Quick beach trip

For the first time in a long time we had a true weekend, so we decided to enjoy some time at the beach while it is still warm enough in south Texas to do so. In true fashion, Nathaniel's reaction to the beach is varied and unpredictable. This trip he would walk to the edge of the tide, stare and point but did not like getting his feet wet. He did repeatedly say "Wa-Wa, Wa-Wa" which is his version of "water".

He did go in with Mommy for a few minutes, but decided it was not for him.

Instead, he much preferred the mud. Yes, he loved digging in the mud, getting mud beneath his fingernails, and throwing mud.

He also found chasing birds to be hilarious and entertaining.

It was a nice family trip. We are not holding our breath for him to be a navy seal or do competitive swimming any time soon.

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