Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mommys Pity Party

Monday night, my stomach started doing some strange things. I did not even think about how I never had to monitor my body, time contractions, etc. with Nate. Things were textbook perfect, my water broke so I went to the hospital then (thanks to friends who talked me into going and actually driving me there!). The nursing staff monitored everything for me. Well, I guess I was having Braxton Hicks contractions on Monday night. After several calls to my mom, and laying awake thinking of all the things I still need to do (clean my desk, get things organized) I finally fell asleep without further complication.

The next morning was my weekly appointment so I figured I would stroll/waddle into the office and upon examination the doctor would exclaim I was in labor and needed to get to the hospital. Things did not turn out that way, at all. The nurse informed me that I was positive for a bacteria (Strep B) and will have to have extra antibiotics and they will have to monitor the baby a little longer for any potential breathing problems, but she really made it sound like it was not a big deal. Then the doc came in and informed me that my blood platelets are lower than normal and I will have to have my blood drawn again and platelet count checked to see if I can get an epidural. She said it so nonchalantly....WHAT DO YOU MEAN TO SEE IF I CAN GET AN EPIDURAL???? With Nathaniel, I had a half an epidural (it only took on my right side) and I cannot imagine not having yeah, now I am freaking out! Then she informed me I was HIV negative (not really sweating that one at all) and the baby was in place. So two good things. Then came the pelvic exam....this is where I expect her to say "wow, you are already dilated to 6 cm, let's get you to the hospital". No such luck. The outer cervix is slightly changing and there is no dilation at all.


Hence the pity party.

Please pray that my platelets go up, that she arrives safely, quickly, and is in perfect health. And that I quit worrying about all this that I have no control over anyway.

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