Sunday, July 31, 2011

Her real birthday!

She is a year old today.  It is hard to believe.  One year of additional sweetness added to our little family.  I have so many favorite things about Marissa: her smile, her eyes, the way she turns my face toward hers as she eats and locks eyes with me, the funny positions she sleeps in, her 8 toothed grin, the way she goes after bananas, the way she climbs all over Daddy, her frantic rush to ascend stairs, the way she adores her big brother...but what has to top the list would be her laugh.  She already knows how to whole-heartedly laugh (especially at her brother), my prayer is that she never loses this joy.  It is contagious.  You cannot help but smile when she guffaws!  Marissa, my hope is that life always gives you reason to smile and that you always bring joy to the lives of those you come in contact with!  Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

Here's a quick monthly review of her precious smiles over this past year:

 Sheesh, I love this beautiful little thing!

She had a busy actual birthday.  Church followed by a visit to the hospital to see Grandpa who had carotid artery surgery.  Oddly enough we were at the hospital at 1:15, the exact time we had Marissa a full year ago today!  Then we hit up a birthday party for our friends, Avery and Collin.  More cake, more sugar.  It was a fun day for all.

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