Monday, February 2, 2009

Sippy Cup, etc.

Tonight Nathaniel began holding his own sippy cup. He has enjoyed drinking out of it for awhile now but could not figure out that he had to tip it up in order to obtain the desired liquid. As you can see, it is still a work in progress :0)

We had a fun, busy weekend. He was invited to his first friend birthday party. I am not sure who had more fun - Ted or Nathaniel. Happy Birthday Landon, thanks for sharing your slide with us! Then we went to a wedding, where Nathaniel rivaled the bride for the center of attention and he ended his evening at his "GramAunts" while mom and dad went to a dinner party. Then on Sunday our son got to experience his first Superbowl! Nicci and Dan invited us to a kid-friendly party at some of their friends house. It is amazing how little I watched this year. Kids really do change your life. I cannot even tell you about one funny commercial, but I can of course, tell you the funny things my son did. It was a great weekend and we were able to spend time with a lot of friends. Now, I am ready for a nap!

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