Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth-O-July Sickness

Happy Birthday Grandma D & Happy Birthday America!!!

Usually this is one of my absolute favorite holidays; however this year I spent it with a sick little boy and decided this is no fun. Wed night when we put him down he was running a low grade temp (mind you he has been on antibioics for the ear infection since last Friday). Thursday I ran him to the doctor - where she wanted to just continue with his current antibiotics. Friday, he ran high fever all morning. I gave him some Motrin around 11:00 and took him back to the doctor at 1:00 - where miraculously his temp was 97.8 and he was running around like his usual happy-go-lucky self. I am convinced the doctor thinks I have Manchausen By Proxy Syndrome. She again says, he looks better, let's continue with our plan (do nothing). By 4:30 his fever is in excess of 103 and he begins vomiting. I call the doctor's office....leave a message, they say they will get back to me...guess what? Office closes at 5:00. Answering service nurse says take him to urgent care, so off we go. Long story short. One shot of Rocephin yesterday, followed by another today. Ear aches, vomit, diarrehea.....needless to say, it really does not feel like much of a holiday at our place right now. Poor kiddo.

1 comment:

GramAunt Peggy said...

Syb, We've been thinking or all of you!