Sunday, July 26, 2009


And to continue with the never ending game,

"What is wrong with Nate now?"

We bring you, Roseola!

(Sometimes called baby measels, it is a rash caused by human herpesvirus-6)

My sweet boy began running fever that did not seem to respond to Motrin or Tylenol since Thurs night. By Saturday evening a rash broke out all over his body. Although he was covered head to toe, he did not seem to itch or be miserable. In fact, once the rash appeared his overall mood improved. I did not put up all the pictures, some are so bad, I don't ever want to look at them again. The good news is that the worst part of this virus is over. He is no longer contagious and we are waiting for the rash to disappear. No treatment is necessary.

We saw a new ENT and a new nurse practicioner today, both of whom impressed Mommy. We will go in for a hearing screening on Aug 8th as a usual test before tube placement (again). Thankfully this is not a serious thing and will quickly pass.


GramAunt Peggy said...

Wow! I can't believe I was right about the roseola. But the ENT has to do something about those ears! I am anxious to know the test results-as far as I can tell he hears just fine because he responds in so many ways to verbal expressions.

Please do not let this keep you guys from getting away for a special week-end. We will manage just fine as long as we can take him to doctors and get treatment for him. You may have to sign forms allowing us to get treatment from any of his doctors. My guess is once the roseola is gone and the antibiotic is finished, he'll be good for several days.

If not, then we WILL manage just as you guys did this week-end, and I can sleep late the next week as many days as needed to catch up. We love you and want to give you some respite from the past 16 months!

Allen and Dawn said...

I am so impressed by how you handle everything you've been though. We saw a new pediatrican Monday. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of what is actually causing Sarah's eczema and not just treat it. We miss you guys!