Sunday, August 30, 2009

Doctor-Free Month

We are happy to announce that August has officially been our first doctor-free month since Nathaniel was 4 months old (well he did have a hearing screening but that was not because he was sick so we have decided that does not count). Woooooooooo Hooooooooo!!! He has been sleeping through most nights now and has been generally happy all month. We love this and pray that it lasts. The Oberts were gracious enough to join us for a celebratory dinner last night to mark this major milestone in Nathaniel's life.
We have many other reasons to celebrate as well this week, Granny got moved back into her assisted living place, Daddy was a witness in a small claims trial that we won, Big Daddy had a birthday, and Dawson was born. Life is pretty good right now!


amy wright said...

Sweet guy. I know what those back to back doctor's visits are like. Congratulations on a great month!

Olivia Rice said...

Sounds like August was a good month. Although it would have been far better if Nate had seen his favorite Aunt Olivia....or rather: his favorite aunt, Olivia.


GramAunt Peggy said...

WOW! An entire month! I was thinking last Friday that he hadn't had an infection for quite a while but put the thought aside quickly for fear it would jinx the good luck!

YAY, NATE-keep up this pattern for a LONG time, including sleeping at night!

See ya' Friday, my lil' buddy!