Monday, August 3, 2009

15 months

It is amazing how time sneaks away from us these days. It is already August for crying out loud! My son is 15 months old. Wow.

We had a good week last week, Nate was finally feeling better and we were able to have some fun time with the Oberts. They have an amazing play area in their back yard, which we practically had to force Nate to play on. He, however, was most interested in pushing the girls' pink lawn mower around! It is so much fun to see these kids change, explore, and grow - and it is all happening so fast.

Nathaniel is picking up new words daily. His latest is cracker. He is more and more active and thinks is is hilarious to say "boo" and watch Mom and Dad jump, he loves to tickle his Daddy, and continues to enjoy push toys tremendously. He also plays chase with one of our neighbor's boys (although the neighbor is often unaware that the game is on). He is very fond of dogs and cats, and has an unrealistic outlook on animal behavior since he is typically around the calmest dogs and cats known to mankind, who let him pull their tails and kiss them in the face. Fish however, which used to fascinate him to no end, are no on the guarded list when Nathaniel is around. He likes to slap the fish tanks as hard as he can and he scares the fish.
This is a really fun stage. He is learning so much so fast and he makes us laugh daily. Last week we were watching America's Got Talent and Nathaniel took a keen interest in burlesque dancers. He squealed as they performed and readily applauded when they finished their routine and then, to top it all off, he stoop up on the couch and began cheering and clapping. We were laughing so hard, but are a little nervous about what all this may entail for the future :)

We are so thankful that God chose to share this life with us. Nathaniel is a huge blessing! We never knew how much fun parenting could be.
He does seem to be growing so quickly. Here he is driving and helping with household chores. He became weirdly obsessed with the broom one night and cried and cried when we took it away from him.

And in our illness/random rash category for the week, Nathaniel has been bumped out of the number one spot. Daddy has shingles now. I have no idea if this is related to Nate's bout with Roseola or not but it is not to fun for Daddy right now. Hopefully we caught it early enough that Daddy will not experience much pain from it. And that is our life in a nutshell right now.

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