Saturday, March 13, 2010

Your place or mine?

Nathaniel is in love with our new dog - whom he calls "Dog". We cannot seem to teach him that "Dog" has a name like the other 3 dogs we own. Oh well, he is happy.

We made the mistake of putting Dog in the crib one morning to wake up Nathaniel; so now he thinks he needs Dog in his crib at all times. (Yeah, so I have not yet bought a twin bed....) The first thing he asks for each morning - is Dog. He occasionally says (his version) of I love you, Dog if we don't immediately go get the dog.

Dog has been a good lesson in sharing. He shares his food with Dog, his toys with Dog, and other things we would prefer he does not let Dog chew on. It is an adventure. Now, this does not always mean he is nice to Dog either. He does try, occasionally, to ride Dog and will push him away at times. But overall, it is fun to watch.

The other night Ted was out grilling so Nate and Dog were outside too, suddenly we could not find either of them. Nate had crawled into a kennel and shut himself and Dog in.

He was loving it (Dog, not so much). Nate thought it was hilarious. They are a fun pair to watch.

We finally transitioned Nathaniel into a booster seat this month. It was actually a pretty easy transition and he is doing good so far with keeping the food where it should be (other than when he tries to feed Dog).

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