Monday, November 22, 2010

Blocks, Bath, Buddies

Our nights are often filled with making "Daddy Robots" and "Scarecrows".  Here's Nathaniel with our whole family of robots....including a cage for our parrot, Dilbert.

Yesterday he wanted baby 'Rissa to play too; since her fine motor skills are not quite at that level yet,  we decided to make shapes around her.  It was pretty cute until Nate started drawing a line through the circle - as if to say "No Baby 'Rissa".

Another fun filled activity is bath time. 
Lately, every time Nate is in the bath, he is insistant that Marissa have a bath too.....he is such a sweet big brother. 
Our Mohawk Kids!
And....Kidz in da Hood. 

He is really wanting Marissa to be included with him for activities now that she is more interactive.  It is very sweet.  I am hoping they will be lifelong buddies.

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