Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear Santa (4 Month Check Up)

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is healthy children.  So I can have more of this:

And less of this: 

One Terrified Mama
- scared we are starting the ear infection cycle again.

Yes, we went in for Marissa's 4 month check up today, to find she has her 2nd ear infection (or maybe her first never fully healed, I dunno).  This really came as no surprise since she did not sleep more than 2 hours at a time last night.  And so it begins....

But she is 24.5 inches long now and weighs 14 pounds, 3 oz.  She is 50% for weight and 75% for head circumference.  I can't remember the percentage for height, but my guess would be 50% as well.  According to the student doctor, she is above average for her physical skills (but seems to be right on target according to the books/e-mails I read).  We will go back in 2 weeks for her shots (hopefully).  She is on Augmentin this time, which wrecked havoc on Nate when he took it, so please pray she handles it well.  Poor thing.  We will keep you updated.

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