Saturday, December 11, 2010

Family Photos

It is pretty amazing that we are friends with Kacy Chaffin and get to follow her journey in Africa.  As if that is not blessing enough, we also get to partake in an annual photo shoot (because it has been done two years in a row now- that makes it annual.  Right?) to raise money for Kacy. Here are a few of our 2010 family pics taken by Loryn Windwehen:

So my hair got a little crazy in the end....dern humidity.  Oh well.  It was a fun day, a good cause, and nice to be able to see Loryn again.  Here's praying the rest of the day goes well and more than enough is raised to support one of the most precious women we know and her heart for orphans and homes in Africa!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Syb these are simply beautiful pictures! I hate that we couldn't make it :(