Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tree's Up, House is Tasty, Snow is Fun, Ears are Healing, Baby is sitting up...

....And that is the kind of title you get when you are playing catch up.... 

 It has been busy around here lately.  We finally got our tree up.  Nate hung a few ornaments but mostly directed Daddy to hang them "way up high".  So our tree is a little top heavy this year!

The Gingerbread house has been quite fascinating to Nate.  There have been several episodes, if you will, since the arrival of the gingerbread house to our house....
Night 1 - Nate threw a fit because his mean parents would not let him take it to bed with him. 
Day 2- Another fit was thrown when Daddy would not let him take it to school with him. 
Day 3- Nate began feeding it chicken strips and mashed potatoes through the front door. 
And Day 4- Nate began eating it! (I could not believe it)

As of now, it still sits on our dining room table- the chimney is a bit shorter and some of the roof "shingles" are missing....but it is still there.

This weekend we went to a local church and had a snow day.  For those of you not from this area, well, we don't get snow.  While there are some serious advantages to that - for instance, you never have to shovel heat - there are some things kiddos miss out on.  So in attempt to remedy that, a company came in and covered the area with shaved ice.  So imagine, if you will, playing on top of a giant you get the idea.  But the kids did not care, they had a blast....and the parents had a few good laughs.

It was like watching Bambi learn to walk, seeing the kids slip and slide on the packed ice
Snowball fun!

Nate's first snowman~ he was very proud of all 4 levels!

Then we had a few of Nate's friends and families over for continued fun.  We went from "snow" play to 62 degree weather and had fun playing out on the swing set and in the back yard.

Later that evening we went on a train ride through another lights display.  Overall it was another fantastic Saturday.

'Rissa News
Ear infections continue.  The dreaded Augmentin did not work.  She got her first Rocephin shot on Friday and has two more coming.  Poor baby.  Otherwise she is good. She continues to charm us with her grins, is fascinated with her toes and is sitting up with good balance now. 

Overall we are thoroughly enjoying this Christmas season. It is a lot more fun with our precious kiddos, dear friends, and amazing family to share it with!

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