Saturday, April 9, 2011

Shark Dive!

Ok, before you think we went off the deep end....well, technically we did....but this was the most amazing dive ever.  We dove on both Wed and Thurs of our trip, which was great. I had not been diving in almost 4 years so Wed was a warm up and Thurs was the grand finale.  We do also have video of this event, if you ever want to watch it.  I was a bit nervous, to say the least, but as we were picking up other divers on Thursday some students doing research on sharks came aboard our bus.  We began talking to them and one of the guys said he no longer worries about Carribbean Reef Sharks, they are basically "white noise" considering the sharks he is tagging for research.  Yes, I know they could still tear us limb from limb if they wanted to but this considerably calmed my fears.  This is a dive Ted has wanted to do forever, so it was nice to do it.  Suprisingly once we were down, I was not scared at all.  It was truly an unforgettable experience.  I am so glad we had the opportunity to do this!

So pics from Wed include:

Here are a few from Thursdays shark feeding dive....

My guess is there were at least 30 sharks encircling us at any given time.  We were only minor speed bumps to them getting their food, they hit me in the head several times on the say to the diver feeding them. I almost lost my balance twice.  It was crazy, we loved it!  If you like to dive, this is a must do!!!!

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