Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Contain these Kids!

What is more fun than a kid in a box?

 Two kids in a box, of course!

The kids are growing and GOING so fast these days!  We finally bought Nate a new car seat and passed the big one down to Marissa who had clearly outgrown the infant carrier.  They had more fun in the box than anything we have ever bought them.  It is still out in our living room.  Perhaps a bit of an eyesore, but in a home with young kids, well, it just blends in with the rest of the random-treasures-kids-love we have lying around the home and it is a great way to know where they are at all times!  Daddy frowned when I asked if I could bring the duct tape out....go figure.

But seriously, they are growing so fast.  Both kids moved up to the next level classes at daycare.  Nate has mixed feeling about it because he loved Ms. Charlene so much but thinks he is BIG stuff now that he is in the "caterpillar room"; Mom has mixed feelings about it because they let the kids cut with scissors in this room.  YIKES...I sure hope he neither gives nor gets a haircut anytime soon!  There are more kids and this room is run with real curriculum.  The kids start the day with the Pledge of Allegiance, work at their stations (currently days of the week are a big topic) and will begin learning Spanish. I am pretty excited about that.  Marissa is now in a room full of walkers and apparently LOVES snack time (I have no idea who she may have inherited that from!).  Both have seemed to adjust well to their new rooms and teachers.  We really love their daycare and all they learn there. 

Marissa has added two new words to her vocabulary this week- Mama (finally) and Nana (for banana).  That brings her to a grand total of about 5 recognizable words and a ton of babble!  She loves to find items (usually her shoes that she has a fetish about removing) and bring them to Mama.  She is so so so busy these days it really is hard to keep up.  She is constantly trying to climb, eat, unroll, chase, or kiss something.  Not always Mommy-approved objects I might add! 

Each and everyday I realize how blessed I am to have this precious family.  What an honor it is to be their Mommy!

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