Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gone Fishin'

What can bond a father and son more than going fishing?

Uncle Anson acutally brought all his fishing equipment so the guys could go fishing.  Ted took them down to the lake and got everything set up.
Then Nate got his first fishing lesson from Daddy!

 Then they began to fish....
 And they waited...
 And waited...

And waited.....

 (and even got a little silly)
 Until Logan got a nibble!
 Then Uncle Robert helped Logan wrangle in the huge catfish (at least that is how the story would go if there were not photographic evidence of the actual catch)
 Other than that, the highlight was all the mud the boys were able to play in!
It was a fun experience for the cousin gang!

1 comment:

Olivia Rice said...

That first photo is pretty awesome.