Thursday, September 1, 2011

Higher Daddy, Higher!

A phrase echoed throughout the childhood hall of fame, "Higher Daddy, Higher".  Remember when you were a kid, you were fully convinced that you could indeed touch clouds, grab the moon, and/or go high enough to actually make your swing flip the bar?  Admit it.  You did.  I know I did.  And now it is fun to hear these 2 dare-devil 3 year olds scream "higher Daddy, higher" I wonder where their little minds are taking them.
I love moments like these.  As I watched the Dads push the "big kids", Christy and I held our "babies" and I was overwhelmed at how blessed life is for all of us right now.  These are the moments I want to reflect on.  The innocence, adventure, and wonder of childhood swings, summer nights, believing Daddy can push you so high you could touch the clouds.  I wish I could bottle simple moments like these forever....

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