Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Photos from Labor Day Weekend

I am in favor of 3 day weekends, every weekend.  We had so much fun this Labor Day Weekend and also got to do a lot of laying around the house, spending quality family time together.  The kids slept in past 7:00 AM on Saturday and Sunday (not so much on Monday, but hey, 2 out of 3 ain't bad at this stage in life!).

Friday evening, after a long work day, our sweet neighbors invited us over for dinner.  Nothing beats a home cooked meal and free kid entertainment after a long day!   We watched the movie Rio - it's a cute flick if you have not seen it yet.

On Saturday we thought we were going to Emma's roller skating birthday party, but apparently Mommy needs to work on her basic reading skills - the party was Sunday not Saturday.  So instead we spent some time with the family and then went and had frozen yogurt!  Although Mommy was sad not to get a chance to skate, it was a nice visit!  The most hilarious part of the visit was Emma trying to be sweet about a present she clearly hated.  What a sweet girl she is....and would be a lot of fun to play poker with!    Uncle Lee also introduced Nate to an electric whoopee cushion; he thought it was hilarious....someday we will pay Uncle Lee back for this :)

A quick pic of Rissa in another one of her famously challenging sleeping positions, just because it makes me laugh.

That evening we had lots of fun with Daddy (I love her full body laugh in the second picture, although Daddy looks kinda scary!)

Sunday the kids were invited to Lydia (our neighbor's granddaughter's) birthday party.Nate had a blast with the bubbles! He also got a kick out of the pinata and party favors too!

My what a big eye you have!

Monday was a delicious cookout and ton-o-fun for the kids in a bounce house!

Her mesmerizing eyes

We also had a camp-in on Sunday night (see previous post).  Just so you know, Nate outlasted Mommy and Daddy and we finally had to make him lay down around 1 AM.  I think he finally went to sleep around 2:30 (I would not really know since I fell asleep on the couch, hey don't knock my "roughing it").  He loved getting to sleep in the "tent"!

Thanks to our friends, family, and neighbors for a memorable Labor Day Weekend!

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