Sunday, May 26, 2013

Real Superheros

I have decided being 5 is tough...there is a fine line in the eyes of a 5 year old between reality and fiction.  My son has repeatedly been questioning if things are real.  You see, in the world of Star Wars Legos on the Wii (his favorite game), no matter how many times you get shot at or blown up, you never really die.  So he asks, "is death real?".   We just visited Disney and saw all the cartoon characters come to life.  So he asked questions such as, "is Captain Hook real? Is Neverland real?". He went though Jedi training camp and believes he is a real Jedi now, I mean, he even has the diploma to prove it.  He loves superheros of every kind.

As a christian mom, I don't want to lie to him, yet I don't want to squelch the magic of childhood either.  Santa, the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, these all pose quite a, the day before Memorial Day,  he asked if superheros were real.  Without a shadow of a doubt I could confidently answer that Yes, superheros are real.  They walk among us in everyday clothing.  I talked about friends we have like Officer Hall, friends that he knows that have served in the military, friends that work at the fire station, and teachers that have saved the lives of their students in recent tragic events.  Thank you to all the real superheros for all that you do on a daily basis and thanks for giving this mom a good answer!

He then decided to write thank you cards to two of our favorite real superheros (a cop and a veteran) that we will be having a cookout with later today.

I told him that he melts my heart.  Then he became very concerned about my heart. 
I am not sure that it is even possible to love this kid any more than I do right now!

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