Saturday, August 3, 2013

Princess Party!!!!!

Well, if you know Marissa, you know she loves all things girly.  Since the Disney cruise she is obsessed with princesses.  So there was really no other option for her third birthday party than to have an over-the-top girly, princess party (I can hardly believe she is related to me).

So we decorated the house with princesses and princess stuff everywhere.  
Stations were set up throughout the house.  
In the Princess Parlor the girls selected dresses, crowns, shoes, wands, necklaces and bracelets.

 Then they went into the Salon where my amazing nieces did hair, makeup, and nails for the girls!

Have no fear, there were activities for the boys as well, they became the royal guards.  They were charge with battling fierce dragons to keep the princesses safe!  By the way, they did a most excellent job - not one princess was harmed during the party!
 Then, of course, there was food.  A princess party must have goodies!

 At the Royal Art Academy, princesses and guards were invited to decorate, crowns, color, or put puzzles together.

 Then came the Royal Desserts.   Our neighbor, Cathy, did another incredible job making princess shoe cupcakes and a special cake for Marissa.  These pictures do not even do it justice.  For my shoe-obsessed daughter, this was a perfect fit (pun intended).  They were so cute and delicious!  (Cathy also made the adorable princess wreath that hung on the front door). 

 Then her royal highness opened more gifts that should be allowed in any kingdom!

 However, the true gifts that made this day so magical were the friends and family who traveled from far away and not so far away lands to celebrate this day with us.  


 So, thank you for attending this royal celebration...with such sweet friends in our life, we are certain to all live happily ever after!

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