Thursday, April 23, 2009

Allergy Test

Have you ever been in an experience where you were getting something done, that you did not really want to find out but hoped that you would find something out, just to know it is still beyond your control? (Yes, read it again)

That was our experience this morning with Nathaniel's allergy testing. As a mom, I do not want him to have allergies but I also wanted there to be some kind of answer to why he always seems to have these lovely ear infections.

He was a champ through the allergy testing. He giggled as the nurse wrote numbers on his back, cried a little when the doctor was giving him the skin pricks, then continued playing under the table as if it were the best playground equipment ever made. He also mischievously tested his limits with touching the power cord, as you can see.

The final conclusion: Nathaniel is allergic to some tree and grass pollens. Of which I can not shield him from....he was negative to pets (thankfully, Ted would have had a melt-down if we had to get rid of the dogs and parrot), foods, and other tested substances. We are going to try singulair to see if that will ease some of his continual congestion.

A huge sigh of relief comes at the same time as a grunt frustration. So many questions are left unanswered. Here is hoping it will be outgrown soon, whatever "it" is.

And speaking of growing, I will be this many in 8 days,

1 comment:

GramAunt Peggy said...

Hi, Sybil,

Well, I'm glad Bailey's not knocked out of contact with Nater! And ruling out foods is good news as well, but ruling in outdoor allergens that are beyond much control is frustrating, isn't it? He is such a trooper through all these doctor things! See you guys tomorrow!