Thursday, April 9, 2009

A-huntin' he will go

The Easter season is upon us. Candy crammed in eggs and hidden in grass....I still do not quite understand that tradition, but being good parents we have allowed Nathaniel to engage in such activities. At this age the "hiding" was in plain sight, but Nathaniel still had a great time. He really loves banging eggs together (hence the fake eggs!).

Today was the Easter party at his daycare. I happened to snap a picture of he and his classmates with one of his favorite teachers, Ms. Nellie. Proof that kids can be nice when they want to (photo 1) and that their true colors shine through when they think no one is looking (photo 2).


Blake said...

I do love watching them hunt eggs the first couple of times when they really don't know what they are doing. We would have to carry Knight's basket and place it near the eggs and then he would pick up all the surrounding eggs and put it in the bucket. Nathaniel looks so adorable in that outfit!

GramAunt Peggy said...
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GramAunt Peggy said...

Nathaniel, you look like you are having fun--and what a cute outfit. (I know, those words aren't for guys like you--just girls, huh?)
Missed you today,

GramAunt Peggy