Saturday, April 18, 2009

Donkeys, Rabbits and Goats...Oh, My!

Not quite ready for lions, tigers and bears; we started on a smaller scale. After all, he is only 11 months old.

The daycare Nathaniel attends had a carnival today (before torrential down pour took over the rest of the day), and part of that carnival was a little petting zoo. Nathaniel continues to demonstrate a deep affection for animals of all kinds. He was particularly taken with (tormenting) the baby goat and rabbits today - who were not so fond of closely!

He was also able to experience his first donkey ride. He neither hated nor loved the experience, he was just along for the ride (literally).

We also want to wish "Gram Aunt" Peggy a very happy 60th today. She is one of Nater-Bug's biggest fans. We hope the rain does not wash away her birthday plans.


GramAunt Peggy said...

Les can't wait until he can get a picture of Nathaniel hugging Bailey. He's getting good practice at the petting zoo!
GramAunt Peggy

Bridget said...

Oh so cute!