Monday, May 25, 2009

1 Year Checkup

I know it is a little late but Nate did have his one year checkup. He is growing, developing, and exploring by leaps and bounds every day. If one word could some up this stage, it would be BUSY. He is into everything and is mobile enough to get where ever he wants. He stops only long enough to put something in his mouth that is usually not a Mommy-approved food product. He wants to feed himself and has little tolerance for utensils. We have switched from breastmilk to whole milk and he has transitioned smoothly. He is now getting about 1/2 of his milk from sippy cups, which has decreased some of his intake. He has just recently began climbing up onto anything he can. I am scared he will soon feel the ill effects of gravity. He currently weighs 22.6 pounds and is 28 and 3/4 inches long. Amazing what a difference a year makes :)

His current fascination: His belly-button!

He is so funny, he will be walking across the room, stop, lift up his shirt, stick his finger in his bellybutton, smile and continue his trip. It cracks us up!

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