Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jumbo Krispies to the rescue!

Before we left for Colorado Nathaniel's ear began to ooze, typical sign of ear infections now that he has tubes. Although he was in decent spirits on the trip (thankfully) when we got home he began getting very fussy and clingy. On Monday he began running low grade fever. So we took him to the doctor who has prescribed 14 days of antibiotics and thinks he has a sinus infection. Well, at 2:00 am Tues morning he was inconsolable and running fever. I did everything I could think of to calm him, to no avail. He finally crashed around 4:30 and slept some. All Wed he ran fever and was super clingy. We alternated Ibuprofen and Tylenol to keep his fever down some. He went bed around 9:00 pm as usual but woke up screaming at 3:00 am. We began the "feed, walk, rock, go outside until I feared the neighbors would turn me in, attempt to distract with various toys" cycle. By now he has really mastered fit throwing and is arching his back and throwing back his head as he screams. He cried and cried and cried and cried and cried for hours. About 4:30 Ted decides he is hungry and sits down to eat cereal. Beacuse I was completely out of ideas, I put Nate in his highchair and poured some Jumbo Krisipies onto his tray....and the crying ceased!!! He ate (mind you I did repeatedly attempt to give him a bottle and/or sippy cup which he pushed away as he was screaming/crying)...and there was silence in the land...and Mom smiled...and then poured herself a bowl of cereal and enjoyed 4:30 am breakfast with the family.

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