Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Almost 2 and 1/2....terrific or terrible?

On Monday, November 1, this handsome little guy will officially be 2.5 years old.

I am understanding now what "they" mean with the phrase "Terrible Twos".  Yet, I also completely understand and fully embrace the term "Terrific Twos".  Just look at that face.  His Mona Lisaesque smile leaves one wondering, at this exact moment, if he was being a terrible two or a terrific two.

And the answer is yes.

I love, love, love having a two year old....most of the time.  He is energetic, enthusiastic, full of life, full of exploration, curious, and becoming more and more independent.  He is saying hilarious things to us and responding to questions with adult answers like "Not right now, maybe later" when we ask him to do something like pick up his toys or eat, when he is really not in the mood to do so.  But this also means he is exploring boundaries and pushing the envelope as often as he can. This sweet child can throw some monster fits, typically right before bed time.  It is tiring, I am not going to lie to you.  I don't know how much having a new baby in the house is playing into it, but he is fully terribly terrific and terrificly terrible all at the same time.  I would not trade it for the world!

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