Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oh how he makes me laugh

So this morning was a comedy at the Yancy household...and all before 8:00 am!  As Nathaniel is eating his breakfast, I take Marissa into the room to grab a diaper.  As I return, I hear the crinkle of the bag....and I shout "Wait for Mommy"....but it is too late. 
He has dumped the entire bag out...and he is LOVING it!

What can you do but laugh (and grab the nearest camera)?

THEN later....I proceed to change Marissa on the ottoman in our living room.  Now I am sure Nate has watched me change her diaper before, but this time he noticed something was missing, and our conversation went a little something like this....

Nate:  "OH NO!  Where's baby "Rissa's wee-wee?"
Mom: (thinking how do I explain this to my two-year old?):  "Boys have wee-wees and girls don't.  Baby 'Rissa is a girl".
Nate walks away, and I think I must have handled that pretty well. 
He heads over to the couch and begins moving the pillows. 
I finish getting her dressed and turn around to find him laying on the floor looking under the couch. 
I ask what he is doing and he looks at me with big crocodile tears and says "Baby 'Rissa's wee-wee  broken"  and proceeds to cry and cry and cry....
I don't know if he thought he broke it and was going to get in trouble - or what, but it was pretty traumatic.

Is it wrong that I laughed as I "comforted" him?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

you have to love little boys and their little boy ways! At least he didn't ask where your wee-wee was :)